Santa Cruz has dining options for every kind of traveler! Guatemala is home to a variety of fantastic traditional and local dishes, but many of the hotel and restaurant locations in Santa Cruz also cater to the international crowd and visitors will find an assortment of food choices available. Many restaurants and hotels are open to serve breakfast and lunch a la cart, and there are always local eateries serving up hot and fresh meals.
Be advised that many hotels that offer dinner service require that you reserve ahead of time so it is recommended to contact places ahead of time just to be sure. In most towns, there are comedors and street food vendors available as well which typically do not have the kind of online presence that hotels and hostels may have. Comedors tend to be less expensive and offer uncomplicated and basic meals, but most offer wonderfully simple and delicious dishes with a uniquely local vibe. Check out Tripadvisor or contact your accommodation for recommendations and reviews.
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